Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Apam Gula Hangus

Tengahari semalam sambil berehat saya menjenguk ke blog Azlita Aziz. Saya jadi ralit melihat gambar-gambar makanan yang dia masak.Memang sangat menarik.Dan resepinya pun sedap-sedap jugak.

Saya saje tengok-tengok resepi di bawah label Apam.Teringin nak mengapam pulak rasanya.Ada dua tiga yang berkenan di hati.Tapi akhirnya saya putuskan untuk buat Apam Guma Hangus ini kerana bahan serta cara membuatnya mudah serta tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk menyediakannya.

Buat gula hangus dang bahan lain semua masuk dalam blender sahaja.Kukus pun sekejap.Saya letak dalam acuan apam yang aluminium tu.Ada sedikit baki tu yang masukkan dalam bekas lompang.Boleh jugak nak letak dalam mangkuk kertas.Tak sampai setengah jam semua beres.

Malah saya sangat berpuas hati dengan hasilnya.Sangat ringan dan lembut.Ibu mertua saya dan semua anak-anak pun suka.Dah tak payah layan saya membebel banyak-banyak.Jom kita layan resepinya.
Terima kasih ya Ita sebab kongsi resepi ni.Akak copy paste jer ni.

1 cawan gula pasir
1 cawan air
Bahan yang di atas ini adalah untuk membuat gula hangus.Pastikan gula sudah benar-benar 'hangus' dan mula berbuih sebelum memasukkan air.Masak sebentar lagi sehingga semuanya cair.

2 biji telur
1/2 cawan minyak masak -Saya guna minyak canola
2 sudu besar marjerin-Saya suka guna majerin cap pelangi sebab teksturnya yang lembut dan rasanya yang sedap
2 sudu susu pekat
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat.
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum.

  1. Masak gula dalam periuk hingga kuning keemasan. Kemudian tambahkan air. Berhati2 semasa menambah air. kacau rata hingga gula larut. Kemudian sejukkan.
  2. Didalam blender masukkan telur,susu,minyak dan marjerin kisarkan anggaran 3 minit.
  3. Masukkan gula yang telah disejukkan tadi bersama-sama soda bikarbonat dan dikisarkan lagi.
  4. Akhir sekali masukkan tepung dan dikisar lagi sehingga sebati.
  5. Kukus adunan tadi di dalam loyang yang telah disapu dengan minyak masak selama 45 minit jika mengunakan loyang besar.

Masukkan adunan hingga 3/4 acuan sahaja

Dia naik gubus-gebas gitu...

Boleh juga menggunakan acuan mangkuk plastik atau paper cup. Tapi masa mengukus dikurangkan kepada 15 - 20 minit sahaja.Saya cuma kukus selama 15 minit kerana menggunakan acuan yang kecil.
Sekiranya adunan nampak cair bolehlah ditambah sedikit tepung agar apam tadi tidak mendap dan basah dibahagian bawahnya.

3 beradik.hehehe

Inside view sikit.
~Bon appetite~

Friday, December 9, 2011

Deep Dark Chocolate Cake

Since morning I was looking up for a chocolate cake using sour cream. I had bought a packet yesterday and I had to consume it before it goes bad. Thats when I came upon this recipe. But coldn't make it earlier during the day coz I wasn't feeling well.

So this evening when a relative said that she and daughter was coming I thought it was the best time to do it.

It was so simple that I only took less than 15 minutes to prepare the batter. Cooked it just in time as they were walking into my house. It was moist and very choolatey indeed. I didn't have time to makethe topping but will definately make some the next time I bake this cake.

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup cocoa powder
2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon white vinegar

Topping (optional-I didn't make)
1 cup unsalted butter softened
3/4 cup raspberry jam, strained and seeds discarded
1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F (175c)
2. Butter two 8-inch-round cake pans and line bottoms with parchment paper. 3. Combine flour, cocoa, granulated sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt together in a large bowl.
4. Add eggs, vanilla, sour cream, oil, vinegar (for leavening and a more tender cake), and 1 cup hot water and mix with a wooden spoon until batter is smooth.
5. Pour batter into prepared pans and bake until a wooden skewer, inserted into cake center, comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes.
6. Cool cakes in pans 20 minutes; release from pans and cool completely on wire racks.

Method for making the filling
Beat butter and jam together using an electric mixer set on medium speed until fluffy. Add confectioners' sugar and beat until smooth. 

Upside Down Banana Cake

This is one of the best I've ever tried.the cake rises well and is moist and fluffy.
The combination of bananas and cinnamon goes really well.
i made it when my sister-in-law and her family came to our house.Everyone loved it.My sister-in-law praised me for it many times.And even Mr.Hubby who doesn't really likes cake ate them.
Do try them.And please buy those big Del Monte bananas. 

3 big ripe bananas
8 tbsp unsalted butter + 2 tbsp for caramelization
2/3 cup light brown sugar (don't press it down to measure)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 tbsp vanilla extract

  1. Slice your bananas about 1/4" each then toss the bananas with lime.
  2. Caramalize your baking pan.Take your 9" baking pan and put it on heat.Put in your brown sugar,cinnamon and 2 tbs of butter.Stir unti everything is melted.
  3. With the mixture melted,spread it all over the bottom and place the sliced bananas on top.
  4. Press down each slice you added.
  5. Preheat your oven at 180 C.
  6. Then sift flour,baking powder and soda bicarbonate.Put aside.
  7. In a mixture beat your butter until light and fluffy.then add your sugar slowly.scrape the sides of your mixture.Then add the eggs one at a time.When it has incorporated slow down your speed and add your sour cream.
  8. Add 1 tsp of vanilla to the batter.Mix them well.
  9. Add your sifted flour into the batter and gently fold the mixture.When the batter is thick and incorporated it is done.Don't over do it.
  10. Spread it on your bananas.
  11. Bake for about 40mins.leave it to cool a bit before turning it upside down.

For the method do watch it from this Dulce Delights page.Awesome video!

*I'm not sure why my caramel turned out to be darker than the original recipe.Maybe it was the brown sugar.But its superbly delicious.Everyone loved it!
If you don't like it to be too sweet you can put less sugar in it.

Look how the caramel runs into the cake.

A slice will not be enough.Believe me!
~Bon appetite~

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Roasted Banana With Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Rolls

I haven't been cinnamon rolling for some time now. Missed it.Hehehe.
But I wanted to try something different after founding a recipe for a chocolate cinnamon roll recently.
But then I found this recipe that used roasted banana.Sounded interesting.So I bought some bananas.
These kind.
I had all the other ingredients available.And this time around I used high protein flour a.k.a. bread flour.And it turned out to be extra soft and fluffy.

For roasting the bananas the ingredients are as follow:
2 ripe bananas cut into 1/4 inch slices
2 Tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  Place banana slices and cut up pieces of butter into a small baking dish.  Sprinkle with brown sugar and bake for 25 minutes or until golden and bubbly.  Remove and let cool for 10 minutes.  Next, use a fork to smash roasted bananas until well combined

You can see the method from Pinky Palate.
I used my Cinnamon rolls recipe 2 .You can check it out here.
I replaced the usual raisins with roasted bananas and chocolate chips.ut less cinnamon than I usually use too.
The rolls got bigger after I left it to proof.

~Bon appetite~

Monday, December 5, 2011

Kek Durian Harimau Muda

Baru-baru ini ada salah seorang pelajar suami saya datang menghantar lebih kurang 10 biji durian ke rumah kami.Saya pun tak sempat jumpa siapa yang hantar sebab Salman yang menyambutnya.Tau makan je.Huhuhu.
First round makan saje.Pastu buat pengat.Pastu buat kek.Biasa la nak buat satu kek,habis dapur orang saya masuk.Kebanyakan semuanya pukul telur putih dan kuning asing-asing.Satu ni aje yang pukul sekali.Biasalah,saya yang malas ni pilih yang mudah je.Masa siap bancuhan tu nampak ringan dan cantik.Tapi bila siap ianya agak bantat.Mungkin kerana durian tu berat kot.Ataupun pintu oven dibuka cepat sangat.Saya terpaksa tinggalkan kek yang belum dimasak kerana terpaksa keluar mengambil anak di Kelana Jaya.Pesan kat bibik je suh tengok-tengokkan.Bibik pulak tak biasa lagi.So gitulah.
Tapi tak kisah sangat sebab kek ni sangatlah lemak berkrimnya.Sape nak jaga berat badan tolong jangan makan tau!
Saya ambil resepi ni dari dapur Madiha.Makasih banyak ya.Saya copy paste ni dari blognya.
Melihat kepada 'belangnya' saya namakan kek ini Kek durian 'Harimau Muda'.Terkesan jugak saya selepas pertandingan antara Malaysia dan Indonesia baru-baru ini.Hehehe.

1 cawan isi durian 
1 cawan susu segar 
1 cawan mentega cair 
3 butir telur gred A 
1 cawan gula halus 
2 cawan tepung gandum 
1 sudu soda 
1 sudu serbuk penaik 

1. Ayak tepong, soda bikarbonat & baking powder sebanyak 3 kali.  Ketepikan.
2. Kisar isi durian, susu segar & mentega cair sehingga halus.  Panaskan oven 170C & griskan loyang dengan marjerin & taburkan tepong sehingga rata. Buang lebihan tepong.
3. Pukul telur dengan gula sehingga benar2 kembang & gebu.
4. Masukkan sebahagian bahan2 yang dikisar halus & kacau rata.  Masukan lebihannya dan kacau lagi sehingga rata.
5. Masukkan bahan2 yang diayak sedikit demi sedikit dan kaup balik dengan spatula sehingga sebati.
6. Bahagikan kepada 2 bahagian sama rata.  Satu bahagian dicampurkan dengan coklat emulco & kacau rata.  Satu bahagian lagi dimasukkan dengan pewarna kuning & kacau rata.
7. Sudukan 3 sudu besar adunan warna coklat.  Sudukan 3 sudu besar adunan warna kuning di atasnya.  Sudukan lagi 3 sudu & diikuti dengan 3 sudu lagi adunan secara bergilir2.  Ulangi sekali lagi proses yang sama.  Step yang ke empat.. sudukan pula 2 sudu besar adunan seterusnya & ulangi sehingga 3 kali ulangan.  sudukan 1 sudu besar untuk pusingan yang seterusnya sehingga adunan habis.  Hentak2kan sedikit loyang supaya adunan turun & rata.
8. Bakar (api atas bawah) dalam oven selama 45 minit atau sehingga kek masak (suhu & masa membakar kek bergantung oven masing2). Untuk menguji kek sudah masak.. cucukkan ditengah2 kek dengan lidi penguji sekiranya lidi keluar bersih bermakna kek sudah masak & bolehlah dikeluarkan dari oven.

Sebelem masuk oven.


Suka tengok jalur-jalurnya.

~Bon appetite~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Muffins - Nigella Lawson

My brother in law staying in Kelantan came to visit us this morning.I knew he was coming.But I didn't know he brought three of his kids along.I haven't cooked anything.And I always make something for my nieces and nephews when they drop by.So while I was making Chicken Rice I asked syaima' and Umamah to make some muffins for their cousins.Invited them to watch and help them as well.Syaima' searched the recipe on the iPad and landed on this recipe from Nigella Lawson.It tasted good.Some may want it to be more chocalatey so you can more cocoa powder to the ingredients.

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons best quality cocoa powder
3/4 cup superfine sugar
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips, plus 1/4 cup for sprinkling
1 cup milk
1/3 cup plus 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  1. Muffin tin with paper muffin cases
  2. Preheat the oven to 200CPut the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa, sugar, and 3/4 cup of the chocolate chips into a large bowl. Pour all the liquid ingredients into a measuring jug. 
  3. Mix the dry and wet ingredients together, remembering that a lumpy batter makes the best muffins. Spoon into the prepared muffin cases. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup chocolate chips on top and then bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are dark, risen and springy.

Rising in the oven


Moist and fluffy.
~Bon appetite~

Breakfast rolls

Assalamu 'alaikum and good morning everyone.
Yesterday my family and I went to my mums house. She had a gathering with her friends after her usual Wednesday religious class. Actually she made her aqiqah. Yes, you read it right. Her own aqiqah. She was talking with my dad one day about their grandchildren. Who has aand who hasn't made aqiqah. And then it strucked her whether her mother had made aqiqah for her or not. She aked my granma but she couldn't recall. So my mum decided to make hers.
She went and chose the goat herself. And saw it being slaughtered. Took pictures of the 'handsome guy' as she called it before slaughtered and after. She was so happy that everything went well.
I made two cakes to bring to her house. Chocolate carrot cake and Peach and custard cake.

Carrot and chocolate cake.it was still warm  when I took this foto.
Topped it up later with some creamcheese topping.

Peach and custard cake.Always a hit at any occasion. 
Many people really liked them and even wanted to order. But I had to turn them down. I can't take orders anymore.
Anyway I brought home the Lamb Kuzi which I didn't taste yesterday. I wasn't feeling well then. And since we ran out of bread and the buns from my mums house that I took home yesterday became hard after heating it up in the microwave,I decided to make some buns myself.

The batter was rather soft and sticky. But I didn't add any flour. You could if you want to. I just wet my hands so that I can more or less handle the batter. A tip I heard from one bread video recently. It didn't look that good but it taste superb. The only thing I would alter next time is to lessen the amount of salt. This recipe is supposed to be for burger/hotdog rolls. But I guess its up to your creativity.

Ingredients (Ingredients and method copy pasted from the site)

1 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup butter
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 (.25 ounce) package instant yeast
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 egg


  1. In a small saucepan, heat milk, water and butter until very warm, 120 degrees F (50 degrees C).
  2. In a large bowl, mix together 1 3/4 cup flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Mix milk mixture into flour mixture, and then mix in egg. Stir in the remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, beating well after each addition. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface, and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.I skipped all this since I used a breadmaker.Threw everything in and pressed the 'dough' button.
  3. Divide dough into 12 equal pieces. Shape into smooth balls, and place on a greased baking sheet. Flatten slightly. Cover, and let rise for 30 to 35 minutes.
  4. Bake at 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for 10 to 12 minutes, or until golden brown.
  5. For Hot Dog Buns: Shape each piece into a 6x4 inch rectangle. Starting with the longer side, roll up tightly, and pinch edges and ends to seal. Let rise about 20 to 25 minutes. Bake as above. These buns are pretty big. I usually make 16 instead of 12.

Hot buns with Lamb Kuzi.
~Bon appetite~