Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kek Coklat Kukus Lapis Cream Cheese

Assalamualaikum semua.Lama sungguh saya tak update blog ini.Naik berhabuk dah.
Bagaimana raya pembaca semua?Harap-harap semua gembira dapat bersama famili di hari yang mulia.Tahu saje la orang Malaysia ni puasa sebulan raya sebulan gak.Open house berderet-deret.Jangan sampai terlepas puasa 6 pulak.Atur jadual elok-elok tau!
Dalam pertengahan bulan puasa baru ni Cik Ti menyerang dapur saya.Antara mangsanya ialah wayar oven saya.Adeh...haritu baru je teringat nak buat pavlova.Tekan suis tapi tak menyala pape.Tengok-tengok wayar sudah kena gerit.Eiiyyyy geramnya!Jadi untuk raya baru ni saya tak dapat lah baking pape.Membrowse kek kukus je.
Dan saya pun terjumpa resepi ni.Nak buat tak susah dan sungguh memuaskan!Cantik dan sedap.Tu je saya boleh kata.Jom tengok resepinya.Terimakasih kepada Yatie 

  • 250 gm cream cheese
  • 60 gm gula halus ( lebih kurang 4 sdb )
  • 1 biji telur
  • 25 ml air
  • 1 sdb tpng gandum

  1. Pukul cream cheese bersama dengan gula.
  2. Masukkan telur diikuti dengan air dan tepung gandum.
  3. Biarkan sebentar.

2 biji telur
1 cwn gula halus
1 sdk vanilla
2 sdb serbuk koko
sedikit garam
1/2 cwn air panas didih
1/2 cwn cwn susu segar/cair
1/2 cwn minyak jagung/masak
1 cwn tpng gandum
1 sdk baking soda
1/2 sdk baking powder

  1. Pukul telur di dalam bekas lain bersama gula sehingga kembang.
  2. Setelah kembang masukkan vanilla dan diikuti dngn koko dan garam.
  3. Masukkan air panas,susu dan minyak.
  4. Setelah itu masukkan tpng gandum,baking soda dan baking powder yg telah diayak dan gaul sebati.
  5. Biarkan sebentar dan bahagi pada 2 bahagian.ntar dan bahagi pada 2 bahagian.

Cara Memasak
  1. Panaskan kukusan dan balut dngn kain penutupnya.
  2. Sapukan sedikit minyak di loyang dan alas dngn kertas minyak
  3. Letak adunan coklat dan kukus selama 15 minit.
  4. Tuang adunan cream cheese diatasnya dan kukus selama 15 minit.
  5. Setelah itu tuang lagi adunan coklat selebihnya dan kukus lagi selama 20 minit.
  6. Sejukkan dan boleh di hidangkan....
Hirisan kek

Cantik (mode perasan)

~bon appetite~

Monday, August 6, 2012

Custard Caramel Pudding

Last week before going back to hostel,my son Salman requested that I make Custard caramel the next time he comes back.So not to dissappoint him yesterday I made it.But I didn't make my normal Custard Caramel that I am most known with. My son Usamah had asked me to make the 'smooth-kind' like in the shops.
So I started recipe hunting again.Found many that used '3 eggs and 2 yolks'.I passed these kind of reipe coz I don't know what to do with the extra egg white,Then there recipes that used 7-10 eggs.
My!My! So many eggs! I will always avoid recipes that use too much eggs.Until I found this Japanese Custard recipe.And it turned out perfect! The combination of the slightly bitter caramel and sweet custard pudding is so lovely!Especially when eaten cool.
I doubled the portions coz 4 just didn't seem to be enough for us.
Lets check out the recipe.This ingredient makes 4.

4 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp water
1 1/2 - 2 tbsp hot water

Egg mixture
2 eggs
250 ml fresh milk
5 tbsp sugar

4 pudding moulds
some unsalted butter

These are the moulds I used

  1. Butter the moulds to make it easy for the pudding to come out later.
  2. To make the caramel place the sugar and water in a pot on medium heat. Let it sit until the sugar turns brown. Remove the pot from the heat and add in the hot water. Keep it away from you so thet the hot caramel sauce doesn't burn your hand.
  3. Pour the caramel into the pudding moulds. Put aside.
  4. Next crack the 2 eggs into a bowl. Lightly beat the egg. Don't lift the tip of the whisk leave the bottom of the bowl to avoid creating too much foam.
  5. add milk and sugar in a pot on low heat until sugar is dissolved.
  6. Add the milk into the egg while continously whisking the egg.
  7. Sieve the mixture.
  8. Pour the mixture into the moulds and steam it.
  9. Make sure the water for steaming is under boiling point to ensure smooth top. Covering each mould with foil helps.
After cooled.

Turned upside down and this is how it looks like.See the glossy top?

I made another batch today for Salman to take back to hostel.